Annett & Peter Schäffer - Bargteheide

Unser M-Wurf in der 8.Woche.
Fotos großzoom
The Unshakable Meta, Hündin, bicolour-mottle
The Unshakable Meta, Hündin, bicolour-mottle
The Unshakable Meta, Hündin, bicolour-mottle

The Unshakable Marcie, Hündin, bicolour-mottle
The Unshakable Marcie, Hündin, bicolour-mottle
The Unshakable Marcie, Hündin, bicolour-mottle

The Unshakable Marla, Hündin, tricolour-mottle
The Unshakable Marla, Hündin, tricolour-mottle
The Unshakable Marla, Hündin, tricolour-mottle

The Unshakable Millie, Hündin, bicolour
The Unshakable Millie, Hündin, bicolour
The Unshakable Millie, Hündin, bicolour

The Unshakable Mette, Hündin, bicolour-mottle
The Unshakable Mette, Hündin, bicolour-mottle
The Unshakable Mette, Hündin, bicolour-mottle

The Unshakable Matti, Rüde, bicolour
The Unshakable Matti, Rüde, bicolour
The Unshakable Matti, Rüde, bicolour


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©2024  Annett & Peter Schäffer - Beaglezucht