Annett & Peter Schäffer - Bargteheide

Unser Q-Wurf in der 2. Woche.
The Unshakable Qumba, Rüde, tricolour
The Unshakable Qumba, Rüde, tricolour

The Unshakable Quirin, Rüde, tricolour-mottle
The Unshakable Quirin, Rüde, tricolour-mottle

The Unshakable Quillie, Hündin, tricolour-mottle
The Unshakable Quillie, Hündin, tricolour-mottle

The Unshakable Quokka, Hündin, tricolour
The Unshakable Quokka, Hündin, tricolour

The Unshakable Quinta, Hündin, tricolour
The Unshakable Quinta, Hündin, tricolour

The Unshakable Qoobi, Rüde, tricolour-mottle
The Unshakable Qoobi, Rüde, tricolour-mottle


©2025  Annett & Peter Schäffer - Beaglezucht
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©2025  Annett & Peter Schäffer - Beaglezucht